Your podcast should be the most valuable piece of your content you have, because when you set it up right it can do EVERYTHING your business needs.


πŸ›‘ YouTube & Spotify are fully embracing video as part of the podcast world, allowing you to build more loyal & engaged audiences (while maintaining what’s great about audio podcasting)

Sign up to learn…

βœ… The loudest lie we’ve been told about podcasting that has lead to 99% of shows quitting before they hit 21 episodes

βœ… The unique way multi-million dollar radio companies approached content that we can apply to get the most out each episode

βœ… How to create something that didn’t previously exist, a Self-Growing Podcast

βœ… Why a podcast with video often takes less time to create than what most entrepreneurs are spending now on an audio-only show

If your podcast isn’t having the impact on your business it should IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT.

What we were all taught as Best Practices doesn’t work!

But when you rethink the way you look at podcasting, your show can build your authority, generate leads, and market itself…


How To Make Your Podcast The Most Valuable Piece Of Content Your Business Has

We’ll also send you 3 Ways To Triple The Leads From Your Podcast and other valuable resources. And of course if the emails ever stop being wildly helpful you can unsubscribe with no hassle.

Neil Mathweg & Jerry Potter

Jerry Potter is founder of Five Minute Social Media (100,000+ subscribers on YouTube) and host of 2 podcasts, The Social Media Marketing Talk Show from Social Media Examiner, and The 6 Ways.

He’s combining his 20 years of experience in commercial radio with the last 9 years as a social media marketing strategist.